
Japan-Taiwan workshop



Japan-Taiwan Young Researchers Conference on Computational and Systems Biology

訂於97年3月9至11日於國立清華大學生命科學系國際會議廳舉辦,旨在促進台日雙方學術發展與交流,並藉由發表論文及壁報展示的機會,讓雙方的青年學人及研究生互相切磋。本次會議邀請Dr. Wen-Hsiung Li、Dr. Russell Cox 和 Dr. Limsoon Wong 三位教授發表 Keynote Lectures,並由五位日本訪問學者及五位台灣學者就計算及系統生物學相關研究主題發表演講,以促進中日雙方在生物資訊領域人才培育與學術交流合作為目標。

The conference is launched by young researchers from Japan and Taiwan, aiming that young researchers in computational/omics/systems biology

  1. take high-quality lectures provided by leading scientists, and
  2. establish international collaboration through research discussion.

To achieve the above-mentioned goals, the conference calls for participation of enthusiastic students and young researchers.

Travel expense of the presenters (oral and poster) will be fully covered by the COE program of Grad. Sch. Frontier Sci., Univ. Tokyo, and we are soliciting many submissions of high-quality abstracts.

Abstract submission deadline: February 3, 2008 (Extended)

Presentations are sought in all areas related to computational-, omics-, and systems biology. All abstracts (up to 4 pages) should be written in English and submitted electronically in the PDF format. Formatting requirements and submission guidelines can be found at here.


     :: Link to Japan-Taiwan workshop website ::


Japan-Taiwan Young Researchers Conference on Computational and Systems Biology
Last updated 02/11/2008 | Best resolution above 1024*768
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan / TEL:886-3-5715131 ext 33489